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Even In the Midst of a Rejected Miracle

January 7, 2011

“Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Genesis 18:14)

Your prayers are going up! You are being heard in-spite of the circumstances. However, the more you pray, the worst things get. It’s been years and you’re still waiting for a miracle! You are praying for that son lost in drugs and alcohol. You are praying for your parents that are lost without Jesus and they won’t even make it to church on Sundays. You are praying for a personal healing, but every morning you wake up with a greater pain. You are praying for a breakthrough in your marriage, but just last week your husband walked off with another woman…and the list goes on and on. However, we know that God is able; we know that not only is He is able; there is nothing too hard for Him. There is absolutely nothing good that can be considered impossible for God.

The same God that is able to do everything; the same God who states that there is nothing too hard for Him; the same God that is able to move mountains; that same God, is not fulfilling the miracle that you are waiting for. So the question is: Why is it not happening? I don’t know the answer to this and many other questions. But I know that if He is not answering it right now; there must be a reason. If He is not answering it at all, there must also be a reason. He is God…I am not! What right do I have to question Him; me, struggling with the destination of this one jigsaw piece while he has already solved the puzzle? All we need is Him! Whether the miracle is taking place now, later or never…there is nothing too hard for God. I also know that the same God that is able to do all those wonderful things that we believe Him for; is also able to keep us even in the midst of a rejected miracle!

One response to “Even In the Midst of a Rejected Miracle”

  1. We sing Amazing Grace, but I don’t think we realize how amazing grace actually is. Grace is God’s power, motivated by His mercy, working to fulfill His compassion even in the midst of a rejected miracle! This is the power and commitment of our Father’s love: from the days of our sin and rebellion even to the days long after we die, grace continues working to unite our hearts with God’s. From our utterly helpless beginnings to our utterly helpless end, from being dead in sin to being dead in the grave, grace carries us to the arms of God.


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