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August 2010

  • “Going to Church” today is a good thing. Just remember that you are the church; therefore the question is: Are you having church at home? When we worship, study the Scripture, pray and intercede for others at home, we make “Going to Church” real. Your personal relationship with God and your “Home Church” it is…

  • Today, I am challenging the “Church” in America (Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians, Jews, etc.) to take a deeper look at these issues and to refuse to fall into what has become The Lucrative Business of Civil Rights. Many are hiding behind the attractive platforms of the outer shell fight against racism to display their hate…

  • Recently, I have engaged in a study about forgiveness. I was certain that I knew all the basics that I needed to know. Many times we hear so much about a topic that we, without knowing, turn our listening off and move on to the next issue. However, as I studied further, I found some…

  • This is the most Christ-like statement I have heard on the Ground Zero Mosque so far; by my good friend Dennis Owen: I still think we should focus our energies on sharing the grace and love and mercy of Jesus, not fighting the construction of buildings and worship centers of other faiths. Hate and revenge are…

  • Pray for our schools! They took prayer out of school, but prayer can’t never be taken out of you!   A prayer guide to pray for our schools:   SALVATION: Father, it is our desire that every teacher in Jacksonville would come into a personal relationship with You through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.…

  • Let me talk to you today about a place where your abilities are justifiably a reason for mockery; where the waters are not found in the rivers; where the coasts of the earth dry out; where the oceans return to the heavens. It’s a place where the singer lost his old songs that once lifted…

  • Jesus tells us in Matthew 16:24, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” Going after Jesus our own way is vanity. Two things must take place if we want to properly go after Him: We must deny ourselves: The word “Deny” means, “Lose…

  • I must first admit that I am not an expert in politics however; I do enjoy the subject and have studied this topic. I understand enough to know that politics affect our lives; therefore I like to pay attention to what is going on in this area. I also see that we have a great…

  •   “Nineteen responsibilities for one another”             It is important that we understand that these nineteen responsibilities that we are suppose to be doing for one another are above any culture. We may say that some of these responsibilities are not culturally sound, but in reality they apply to all of us. The culture of…

  • “It is time for leaders to get a little closer”             Our issues with the shallow relationships we have in our American churches must also be addressed from the top to bottom. This mentality that our leaders should be unapproachable is biblically wrong. Perhaps they like the accruements and so, want to be viewed by…